India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kasparov's Computer Programme for Kids Launched in Georgia Schools

A pilot computer program on chess games designed by Garry Kasparov was launched on Monday in Georgia to assist the country's youth to learn about the game. It was announced on Monday by Georgia's deputy minister in charge of sports and youth affairs.

Zurab Azmaiparashvili told the local press that the Kasparov chess program is to be used in schools in such Georgian towns as Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi and Poti which have been producing some of the world's most famous chess players.

"Former world champion Garry Kasparov today held the first session of chess tutorials online in an experimental format," said the Georgian government official. "His system is introduced to 100 schools in Georgia. He personally participated in the preparation of the experimental schools for the onset of the program more than a year ago.

Photo from the experimental school in which the 13th World Champion presented computer program KCFE (Kasparov Chess Foundation Europe) - it will be adopted in Georgian schools from October.

The Kasparov (chess) program took three years to formulate and it contains both theoretical and practical teaching materials. Upon completion, students will have the knowledge at levels of around three and four competition-wise," the deputy minister added.

Though born in Baku of Azerbaijan, Garry Kasparov made his fame by becoming the junior champion of the former Soviet Union in Tbilisi in 1978 at the age of 13 after having scored 7 out of a possible 9 points for that championship.

Garry Kasparov has been re-visiting Tbilisi as a reminiscence of his early rise to fame.

According to the former world chess champion, a child busy learning chess through a specially-designed computer program in school has a better understanding of the world as a game of chess requires thinking and analysing. Moreover, the game of chess teaches children to care, to take responsibility and to abide by rules which are reflected in the levels of studying.

While visiting Georgia last year, the former world champion promised to offer Georgian schoolchildren with the opportunity to use his computerized program on chess tutorials. (Text: DaijiWorld Photos: Sopiko Nikoladze and Goga Chanadiri/


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