India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.
Showing posts with label 2012 world chess championship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012 world chess championship. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Gelfand on Mission Blaze of Glory - Live or Die! Game 10 Live Broadcast On

Super cartoon from
Mate in Moscow Blog
Expectations from 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Game 10
- Battery Gauge: Both Anand and Gelfand are charged up and the signal is full battery particularly since we are in the final three games of the match. Fireworks could light up the sky today for sure!
- Weapon Choice: Gelfand would try to push with the psychological advantage he had gained in Game 9. Anand would like to make the best use of White today with either 1.d4 (first choice) or 1.e4 (second choice) and capitalise on the frustration he caused Gelfand in Game 9 with his solid fortress.
- Stats, Odds and Mission: Despite the polls and the stats heavily in favor of reigning World Chess Champion it's Gelfand who is on a mission to do or die in a blaze of glory! For Anand, it's just another day at the job! (He's seen them, done them all!)

Impossible to miss live broadcast of Game 10 at 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship in Moscow at official website in 15 minutes.

Game 10 Live Today - 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship

The fantastic broadcast of Game 10 in the Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship Match from Moscow - the Mecca of Chess - would continue today at the official website

In the ninth game, Viswanathan Anand decided against the Slav Defence and played the Nimzo-Indian Defence with black. In response, Boris Gelfand selected the solid Rubinstein System. Following the opening, White acquired moveable pawns in the centre and an advantage of two bishops; at the same time the Black positions had no weaknesses. Soon the challenger had an opportunity to deal a blow to the centre with a move of 19.с5. As a result of this tactical operation, White won a queen for a rook, bishop and pawn. Experts believed that a draw was the most likely outcome, but White nevertheless still had a small chance for victory. Gelfand tried long and hard to undermine the black defence, although he may not have acted as accurately as he should have. White managed to open the kingside, however Anand successfully restructured his forces and with his concise play fought off all threats from his opponent after building a fortress. The opponents agreed to a draw on the forty-ninth move. You can replay all the Game 9 moves in our Chess King applet. You cannot afford to miss any of the games now in the 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Match Game 9 Moves - Gelfand Tries Hard Against Anand Fortress!

Result Gelfand-Anand Game 9: 1/2-1/2

Match Score: 4.5-4.5 (Photo: Official Website)

Israel's Boris Gelfand - the challenger to world chess champion India's Vishy Anand - continued to press with White all the way to 49 moves in Game 9 of the 2012 World Chess Championship, but had to settle for a draw eventually. The Nimzo-Indian opening was played for the first time in the 2012 World Chess Championship match today. Gelfand had a slight edge with the pair of bishops and hanging central pawns and even went for a continuation that left him with a Queen against Anand's Rook and Knight with four and five pawns each. However, Anand was precise and stayed put with his fortress. The score in Moscow is now 4.5-4.5. 

Game 10 will be played on Thursday and broadcast live on the official website as usual. Friday would be a rest day. If the score remains 6-6, a rapid/blitz tiebreak will decide the champion on Wednesday next week. You can replay the Game 9 moves in our Chess King applet.

Congratulations to 2012 Anand, Gelfand World Chess Match Officials in Moscow (поздравления чиновников)

The Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship has brought great joy to all of us around the world. Not only has their media handling, 2012 world championship official website, and live broadcast been fantastic, but the organization of the event has been swell too. Time we knew the officials. Congratulations to the officials of the 2012 World Chess Championship.


Chief Arbiter:
IA Ashot Vardapetian (Armenia)
Deputy: IA Hal Bond (Canada)

Appeals Committee: Chairman: Kurt Jungwirth (Austria), Boris Kutin (Slovenia),Jorge Vega (Guatemala)

FIDE Supervisor: Georgios Makropoulos (Greece)

FIDE Press Officer: Anastasia Karlovich (Ukraine)

Press Officer of RCF: Mark Glukhovsky (Russia)

Organising Committee: Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Chess Federation, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, ArkadyDvorkovich; Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Chess Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Alexander Zhukov; General Director of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Irina Lebedeva; Chairman of the Management Board of the Russian Chess Federation, Ilya Levitov; and match sponsors, businessmen Andrey Filatov and Guennadi Timtchenko.

Anand, Gelfand Game 9 Live Today! Gelfand confesses he adopted risky line in Game 8

The Anand, Gelfand 2012 Game 9 Live would be available at the World Chess Championship official website within a few hours. Russian Champion Peter Svidler would be in the commentary room today. The Game 9 moves would be available here at B&W website right after the game. Meanwhile, in the press conference after Game 8, Israel's Boris Gelfand confessed that he had adopted a risky line in the game. 

Israel's Boris Gelfand and India's Viswanathan Anand at Game 8 press conference. Photo: Fide.
During the press conference, which took place immediately after the game, Boris Gelfand confessed that he simply failed to spot white's 17. Qf2. After playing 14...Qf6, he could only see 17. Qf4, after which white would have to play either 18. Bd3 or 18. Bh3. The Israeli grandmaster also considered the possibility of offering a losing exchange after a potential 15. Kc2 Nf4 16. Ne4 continuation. An interesting position appeared after 16... Re4 17. fe. “I played a risky variation and thought it would turn out okay, but I didn't anticipate White's last move. It's difficult to say where I could have played better. I think that, if this variation fails, then the whole concept is wrong. Of course, I could have just played Knight to g7 or f6 on the 14th move instead of Qf6, but then Black's position would have been worse after 15. h4.”

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gelfand Can Win 2012 World Chess Title, Says Wife Maya

Boris Gelfand, Maya, Avner,
World chess title challenger Boris Gelfand's wife, Maya, says she is confident about her husband's skills. "I disregard other people's opinions. I know he can win."
She said that she does not consider the competition a pleasant experience, but as "hard work." 
Maya was speaking in Jerusalem to YNet news service about Israel's Boris Gelfand who is the challenger in the Viswanthan Anand-Boris Gelfand World Chess Championship Match 2012. "Boris is focused, he's very tense, he's gathering all his strength," she told Ynet. "He has no time for excitement, it's time to work."
Israel's Boris Gelfand had won Game 7 of the world chess match, but Viswanathan Anand won back Game 8 to level the score at 4-4. You can find all the game moves and the complete schedule of the 2012 world chess championship with links in the sidebar on the right.

Chess Figures of the 20th Century - Special Exhibition in Moscow

Awesome chess exhibition in Moscow. Not to be missed.

Until June 24 at the Multimedia Art Museum, 
Moscow, 16 Ul. Ostozhenka, m. 
Open Tue.-Sun., noon-9 pm

This chess treat at the Multimedia Art Museum is honoring World Chess Championship 2012 between India's Viswanathan Anand and Israel's Boris Gelfand in Moscow. The entire exhibition is devoted to chess! 

The exhibition features hundreds of photographs of Russian grandmasters such as Viktor Korchnoi, Anatoly Karpov and Gary Kasparov playing in major chess championships and friendly matches, accompanied by detailed commentary. Vintage match posters and chess sets are also on display, including 19th-century antiques and the first Soviet set, Gorod i Derevnya (“City and Town”). 

Two chess films will also be screened --. “Chess Fever,” a 1925 comedy by Vsevolod Pudovkin, follows a man whose love of chess causes him to miss his own wedding; it includes an appearance by chess legend Jose Raul Capablanca as himself and “Grandmaster,” a 1972 drama featuring Viktor Korchnoi, was removed from distribution after Korchnoi defected to the West. The museum provides chess sets for those inspired to play a match when they visit this unique exhibition! In June, grandmaster Vladimir Kramnik will face off against children for a mini-championship in the exhibition hall. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Anand's 'Sweet 17' Date with Gelfand at World Chess Championship 2012; Game 8 Moves

One game at a time, and one move at a time was all reigning world chess champion India's Viswanathan Anand needed on Monday at the 2012 World Chess Championship against challenger Israel's Boris Gelfand. Gelfand was possibly all nerves as he blundered away is Queen. It was a trifle unfortunate for the Israel grandmaster who has been in super form lately. But then, chess is a cruel game. Tuesday, May 22, is a rest day. The match is alive and it's still way to go. Game 9 of the championship match will resume on Wednesday, May 23, and you can stay tuned at the official website for the live broadcast of the game. Gelfand will play White in the ninth chess game of the match. We hope to see you back at the B&W Chess Mag website for our fun posts on the Anand, Gelfand World Chess Championship 2012 Match. You can check the Game 8 moves in our Chess King applet.

World Chess Championship 2012 Anand, Gelfand 2012 Game 8 - Come on Lightning Kid Strike Back!

Heartbreak Loss for Indian Chess Fans - Why We Cannot See Vishy Anand Lose 
The Indian subcontinent is a cricket-crazy region. Compared to cricket fans, chess might just be followed by only 1% of the total number of fans of both sports. Yet, we never seem to recover from an Anand loss as we recover from a cricket loss. Reasons? We thought about it... 
- Viswanathan Anand is not just a world champion but a personification of hope in India. He signifies an intellectual self-confidence for fans and, like Indian cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar, he is unassuming. He makes that ordinary player on the street feel as if anything is possible at the highest level. If Anand could do it, possibly every one of us can.
- He has inspired not just one but at least two generations of chess players and continues to do so.
- His calm and quiet demeanour makes you feel vindicated in a flashy world. You could be down to earth and still become the best. - Like Israel's Boris Gelfand - the challenger himself said the other day - it's not your rating or the number of facebook friends you have that matters!
- The hard work that goes into Viswanathan Anand's deep preparation and understanding of the chessboard is inspiring.
- We are a god-worshipping country. We have a pantheon of gods for every aspect of life! (Including chess). We cannot see our gods with cracked feet. It's not part of our psyche.

Taking nothing away from challenger Israel's Boris Gelfand who holds forth as one of the best in the chess world in his own right, we cannot but say, 'Come on Lightning Kid, Strike Back!'

Anand plays White in Game 8. In the remaining five games, Anand has three Whites and Two Blacks. Stay tuned for the live broadcast of Game 8 in the Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship in Moscow via the official website in less than half an hour!

Friday, May 18, 2012

World Chess Championship 2012 - Replay Drawn Game 6 Moves with Chess King

Game 6 of World Chess Championship 2012 in
Moscow between Viswanathan Anand
and Boris Gelfand about to begin. Photo: Fide.

Game 5 Result: 1/2-1/2
Anand-Gelfand Match Score: 3.0-3.0

The sixth game and the same result. Anand and Gelfand once again played the Slav Defence. This time the challenger opted for the variation 6.Qc2 instead of 6.b3. The game developed further on quietly: Black got an isolated pawn in the centre, but it was compensated for by a somewhat passive position of the white pieces. Soon the d5-pawn was exchanged and the position simplified. By move 25 each side had a rook and a bishop of the same colour remaining on the board. The resulting endgame was estimated as drawn and four moves later the contenders agreed to a draw. The match score is equal: 3-3. Tomorrow, on 19 May, the opponents have a rest day. The seventh game will be played on Sunday, 20 May. Boris Gelfand will play White.

Today Garry Kasparov, the 13th world champion, was the honoured guest at the match. At the press conference, Garry readily answered many questions from the journalists in great detail. Then he joined first the English-speaking commentators, Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam and Peter Svilder, and after that the Russian-speaking commentators, Ilya Smirin and Alexander Grischuk, and took part in analyzing the game. Later Kasparov went down to the chess courtyard where he played a simul against young talented Russian chess players.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why Anand, Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship Will be Fun: Top 6 Reasons!

(Two days to go. Watch live at official website.)

It might be that the Viswanathan Anand-Boris Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship is not for the strongest player in the chess world. It might be that the World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen is not in the match and a lot of chess fans want to see him there soon. All the same, here are the reasons that make the Vishy-Gelfand chess match as important and exciting in history as any ever held before:


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