India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.
Showing posts with label garry kasparov. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garry kasparov. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2012

French Chess Magazine Organises Game Against Anatoly Karpov Through Tour de France

This chess event is an exciting one for everyone interested in the Tour de France. You can now play against former World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov of Russia. The French chess magazine of Europe Echecs is organising a super chess game for players from around the world along side the Tour de France 2012 that begins on Saturday, June 30.

Alan Turing Paper Machine Versus Garry Kasparov Chess Game Moves

Garry Kasparov@Turing Centenary
Legendary World Chess Champion Grandmaster Garry Kasparov recently attended the Alan Turing Centenary Celebrations in Manchester. Kasparov also beat the Turing "Paper Machine" - the first chess computer programme ever written - at a chess game in 16 moves. You can read our blog post for the full news:

Kasparov Chess Match Versus Alan Turing's 'Paper Machine' at Centenary Celebrations in Manchester

Here are the game moves as played in Manchester during the Turing centenary celebrations. (Visit the site to replay the game if you are reading a shared post)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Kasparov Chess Match Versus Alan Turing's 'Paper Machine' at Centenary Celebrations in Manchester

Garry Kasparov
Legendary World Chess Champion Grandmaster Garry Kasparov attended the Alan Turing Centenary Celebrations in Manchester today. Kasparov also beat the Turing "Paper Machine" - the first chess computer programme ever written - at a chess game in 16 moves. Kasparov played the game as a demonstration of the vision of Alan Turing who had written the programme for the first chess computer right after the Second World War much before the computer had even been invented! Turing wrote that programme for a machine that was to be invented in the future. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Kasparov to Speak @ Alan Turing Centenary Conference in Manchester

Legendary Garry Kasparov
June 23, 2012 marks the centenary of the birth of Alan Turing. Alan Turing is arguably the most famous computer scientist of all time. The Turing Centenary Conference will be held in Manchester on June 22-25, 2012, hosted by The University in Manchester, where Turing worked in 1948-1954. The main theme of the conference is Alan Turing’s Centenary. It has the following aims:
to celebrate the life and research of Alan Turing;
to bring together the most distinguished scientists, to understand and analyse the history and development of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.

You can watch a live streaming of the event at the official website later today and subsequent days. Kasparov would speak tomorrow.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Kasparov Clarifies Remarks About Fide Presidency Candidature

Legendary 13th World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov has written tweeted and posted on his Facebook page a clarification to the recent interview given to to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that he is firmly committed to push FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov out of office. (The interview was given to Stefan Löffler in Moscow on the sidelines of the Anand-Gelfand World Chess Championship, 2012. (You can read the previous post on the comment Breaking Chess News: Kasparov Likely to run for Fide Presidency 2014)

Meanwhile, Kasparov has said, "To clarify the recent news reports, it is true that I think it is essential to do whatever is necessary to remove Kirsan Ilyumzhinov from the International Chess Federation (FIDE). And if that means running for FIDE president myself in 2014, it is possible but not the real priority. What is Important is taking FIDE and Chess back from Ilyumzhinov, who brings disgrace after disgrace to the sport by meeting with murderous dictators while ignoring the opportunities to bring chess INTO education systems around the world. I will post a long article on my thoughts about the future of chess and FIDE after this weekend's 10th anniversary event for the Kasparov Chess Foundation in Bryant Park in New York City. It is from 10am to 2pm on June 16 with a kids' tournament and more. If you can attend I will see you there!" Kasparov also tweeted similarly.

Also Read: Kasparov Chess Foundation Celebrating 10th Anniversary on June 16 in NYC With Chess Festival

World Chess Fed: Karpov Says Major Leadership Changes Required

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Garry Kasparov Nigel Short Blitz Chess Match 2011 Trailer Video

Chess blitz match between Garry Kasparov and Nigel Short took place in October 2011 in Leuven, Belgium. The blitz chess match celebrated the 5th jubilee edition of YourNextMove, a Belgian initiative to promote chess and support children between 6 and 12 years old. First Garry dominated, then Nigel fired back, and the decision came in the final game when Garry Kasparov beat Nigel Short 4.5-3.5. 

Kasparov and Short faced each other 18 years after their controversial battle for the world championship in London. In the early 90s they founded the Professional Chess Association (PCA), a rival organisation to FIDE which existed between 1993 and 1996. Nigel Short won the Candidates tournament and became Kasparov's challenger for the PCA World Championship. The match took place in the Savoy Theatre in London, under the sponsorship of The Times. Kasparov won 12.5-7.5 and became PCA World Chess Champion.


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