India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

3-Second Chess Knights Tour Challenge: Beat Kosteniuk, Win Prizes

Try this chess challenge from the 12th Women's World Chess Champion, Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk herself. 

Writing on her blog, GM Kosteniuk says, "I was teaching my daughter how to train moving the chess knight across the board as fast as possible, and she asked me to show how to do it fast. I recorded a short video about how I can do it in about 3 seconds (with slow motion). If there is anybody out there who can do it faster, I’m glad to announce that Chess King has offered several prizes to anybody who can do it faster than me. So practice your knight’s moves and speed, and send me by email the result (video or link to video), and you may win a prize! Good luck!"

Come on India, we are sure some talented Indian chess players can crack the 3-second limit for the chess knight's tour of the chess board! 


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