India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Carlsen Chess Win in Last Round vs Nakamura @ Tal Chess Memorial 2011

On the eve of the 7th Tal Chess Memorial to be played in Moscow from June 7, we have two delightful tweets going around. These are by @MagnusCarlsen - Back in Moscow for the Tal Memorial. Excited to be fighting against the best in the world after a long break! and @GMHikaru - Farewell New York! Privet, Moscow!

The line-up at the event is a dream and could very well pass off as a mini-world chess championship round-robin tournament. You can read our previous post (Tal Chess Memorial With Carlsen, Aronian, Nakamura, Kramnik Begins in Moscow June 7) about tournament details. For this report we have Magnus Carlsen's last round victory over Hikaru Nakamura in the 6th Mikhail Tal Chess Memorial in 2011. You can check out the game in our Chess King applet. Carlsen's win with Black over Nakamura had helped him tie for first with Levon Aronian who was already on fire by having played some amazing games at the event. Eventually, Magnus Carlsen won on tiebreak - thanks to this win over Nakamura. GM Nakamura has just won the US Chess Championship 2012 and would be looking to get even.

Nakamura,Hi (2758) - Carlsen,M (2826)

Result: 0-1
Site: Moscow RUS
Date: 2011.11.25

[...] 1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤f3 b6 4.g3 ¥a6 5.£c2 ¥b4+ 6.¥d2 ¥e7 7.¥g2 c6 8.O-O d5 9.¤e5 ¤fd7 10.cxd5 cxd5 11.¥f4 ¤xe5 12.dxe5 O-O 13.¦d1 ¥b7 14.¤d2 ¤c6 15.¤f3 g5 16.¥e3 g4 17.¤d4 ¤xe5 18.¥h6 ¦e8 19.e4 ¥c5 20.¤b3 ¦c8 21.¤xc5 ¦xc5 22.£a4 ¥c6 23.£d4 £f6 24.¥f4 dxe4 25.¥xe4 ¤f3+ 26.¥xf3 £xd4 27.¦xd4 ¥xf3 28.¦d7 ¦d5 29.¦xd5 exd5 30.¥e3 ¦e4 31.¦e1 d4 32.¥d2 ¦xe1+ 33.¥xe1 ¥e2 34.f4 gxf3 35.¥f2 d3 36.¥e1 ¢g7 37.¢f2 ¢f6 38.¢e3 ¢f5 39.h3 h5 40.¥d2 ¥f1 41.¥e1 ¥xh3 42.¢xd3 ¥f1+ 43.¢e3 ¢g4 44.¢f2 ¥b5 45.¥c3 ¥c6 46.¥e5 b5 47.¥b8 a6 48.¥c7 f5 49.b3 ¥d5 50.¥d6 f4 51.gxf4 h4 52.f5 ¢xf5 53.¢e3 ¢g4 54.¢f2 h3 55.¢e3 ¥e4 56.¢f2 ¥b1 57.a3 ¥a2 58.b4 ¥f7


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