India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Kazan Chess Round 8 Game: Koneru Humpy-Antoaneta Stefanova 1-0

India's Koneru Humpy
India's most talented woman chess player and current world #3 Koneru Humpy beat reigning women's rapid chess champion and former women's world chess champion Antoaneta Stefanova in a nice game in Round 8. At the press conference, Humpy said, "I played this Panov variation for the first time in my life. I was not sure what I shall do after b5. If I take Nb5 black will play Rb8 and will have some counter play and compensation for the pawn. I think my opponent should have played 19…Nf6 instead of 19…Rd8 because after d6 and Nd5 I got a better position. It was clear there are some exact moves which lead to a win after 28. Qd3 h5 but I didn’t find anything better than 29.Rc3 and 30.Rc1. after 32.Rf8 it was lost for black."

Antoaneta Stefanova: Yes, it was my first idea to play Nf6 but then I saw something and changed my mind. If I don’t blunder a piece maybe my position is not so bad.

Run the game in our Chess King applet.

Koneru, Humpy (2589) - Stefanova, Antoaneta (2518)

Result: 1-0
Site: Kazan, RUS
Date: 2012.06.18
[...] 1.c4 c6 2.e4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.d4 ¤f6 5.¤c3 g6 6.£b3 ¥g7 7.cxd5 O-O 8.¥e2 ¤a6 9.¥f3 b5 10.a3 ¦b8 11.¥f4 ¦b6 12.¤ge2 ¥f5 13.¦d1 £d7 14.O-O ¦c8 15.¦c1 ¦c4 16.£a2 ¥g4 17.¥xg4 ¤xg4 18.b3 ¦c8 19.£d2 ¦d8 20.d6 exd6 21.¤d5 ¦b7 22.£a5 ¤b8 23.h3 ¦e8 24.hxg4 ¦xe2 25.¥e3 h6 26.£c3 £xg4 27.b4 g5 28.£d3 h5 29.¦c3 ¤d7 30.¦fc1 ¤f8 31.¦c8 h4 32.¦xf8+ ¢xf8 33.£xe2 £e6 34.¤c3 ¦c7 35.£f1 a6 36.¤e2 ¦xc1 37.£xc1 f5 38.d5 £xd5 39.¥xg5 ¢g8 40.¥xh4 £e4 41.¤f4 d5 42.¥g5 d4 43.£c8+ ¢h7 44.£e6 d3 45.£g6+ ¢h8 46.¥f6 ¥xf6 47.£xf6+ ¢g8 48.£d8+ ¢g7 49.¤xd3


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