India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

FIDE President Congratulates Alexandra Kosteniuk, Valentina Gunina at Special Function in Moscow

A special ceremonial felicitation ceremony was held in Moscow on May 8 to congratulate Women's World Blitz Chess Champion Valentina Gunina and Women's World Rapid Chess Vice-Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk. Chess Queen Kosteniuk missed the gold in the Rapid by half a point and a medal, also by half a point, in the Blitz. FIDE president, officials of the Moscow Sports Committee and Moscow Chess Federation felicitated both the talented chess players. The Women's World Rapid and Blitz Championships held in Batumi (Georgia) on June 1-5. Valentina Gunina has recently grown as a strong chess player with creative chess ideas. 

The 12th Women's World Chess Champion, Alexandra Kosteniuk, has always been known for her non-compromising, very attacking, and entertaining chess games since she was a kid. Kosteniuk's Chess Blog is also the #1 chess blog in the United States and her Chess Queen blog is her personal 'diary' that gives fans an insight into the life of a world chess champion.

Fide president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, Moscow Chess Federation president Vladimir Palikhata and first deputy chairman of Moscow Sports Committee Nikolay Gulyaev congratulated the chess players.


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