India's first chess features print magazine published quarterly from Lucknow since 2004 by Aspire Welfare Society.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

No Retirement, Out to Win More: Vishy Anand

World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand has said he has no plans to retire, but is motivated to win more chess tournaments. Fifth-time World Chess Champion was speaking at a felicitation function organised by sponsors NIIT, in Chennai, on Sunday

Anand said his morale was on a high after defeating a "complicated" opponent like Boris Gelfand in Moscow recently. "There are definitely no thoughts of retirement. In fact quite the opposite. (Winning a fifth world title) has been a huge boost to my morale. As long as I enjoy, I don't see any reason to retire."

"I am still enjoying the game having just defended my title. Winning in Moscow meant a lot emotionally. It's not only about records. It's just that you hate losing and you love winning. I am looking forward to playing chess and winning tournaments," said Anand.

"For me, the number has been irrelevant. Every title defence is special. I simply want to enjoy playing chess. There is no checklist," he added.

Anand also told journalists about his training for the world chess championship 2012. "My training was from Jan 15 to April 15. This time my preparation was very intensive because I did not have a camp. Last year I was busy playing tournaments," he said.

"We worked very hard and developed some thoughts. I had several systems prepared with black and white. You always had to start with something new. I knew Gelfand since 1989 and always thought he was very professional and disciplined chess player. Someone who had good understanding of the game. He is someone who embodies the best traditions of Soviet Union chess. I knew he would come up with some of the best preparation and he did," he said. 

"Boris was a very complicated opponent. He managed to set all his dominant opening aside and come up with entirely new openings. I had to prepare for all the possible things he could do. He prepared very cleverly. We were continuously playing catch-up during the match," said Anand. 

"With the white pieces, he managed to steer clear of our dangerous ideas. This reflected how seriously he was taking the match. It was only in game 11 and 12 that we were able to break out a bit," he said.

Anand also explained the turning points of the match. "Most of these big matches come down to one or two turning points. If you don't know how to grab them when they come, that's when the success or failure is decided," he said.

"In game seven, we managed to stumble on one area we had not worked as thoroughly as others. It was most difficult moment of the match, I didn't sleep. I was all very disturbed. At that point I could not tell myself that it was the turning point. But in game eight, I had done a lot of work on the main areas but we didn't neglect other areas. I wasn't completely without weapons at that time," he added.

"I don't know whether I caught him by surprise but he reacted aggressively. I was excited about what was to come. I thought I could put him under pressure. The turning point happened very quickly. He made some wrong moves and I was very happy that I could get back into the match. I cannot emphasise how important this moment was," Anand said.

"After equalising in the eighth game, I could play the rest of the match in peace," he added.

Anand said the second turning point of the match came in the tiebreak.

"In the first game, for the first time I could get openings from black pieces. I felt that suddenly the match was opening up. Game two was very back and forth. I prepared strong ideas but he showed what a great defender he was. However, he lacked in the end and he was also short of time."

Anand was, however, appreciative of his rival. "We both felt genuine respect for each other. I am really happy to have retained my title. Now I can really relax and enjoy this," he said.

Anand also thanked his support team and his wife Aruna for taking the load off him mentally.

"The workload in the match is huge, the team helps manage the workload. They allow you to rest and recuperate during the match. My team, the five of us, we have become very close. Very often they would say things are collapsing but you sleep and that gives you a lot of confidence. In the tie-break they gave me confidence.

"Aruna and I got married in 1996. She knew nothing about chess when we got married but gradually she has begun to play an important role. She takes a lot of load off me. She knows when to say something and when not to," he laughed.

Referring to the tie-break system, Anand said, "The system is much more fair now. I don't think there should be anyone with any objection to tie-break. I find it fair and a lot of fans really enjoy the tiebreak. I returned home to an absolutely wonderful reception. Would like to thank everyone who took the trouble of coming out," he said.


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