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Morozevich: Attack Lost |
The 7th Tal Chess Memorial in Moscow has some of the strongest chess players in attendance. The round robin event, is taking place from June 8-18 at the Pashkov House. On Thursday, in Round 6, leader Alexander Morozevich lost his first game of the event to Hikaru Nakamura, the current US Chess Champion. However, Morozevich continues to maintain the lead in the tournament along with Vladimir Kramnik who scored a win over Evgeny Tomashevsky to catch up. You can check the Morozevich-Nakamura game in our Chess King applet in the expanded post.
[...] 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e4 ¤f6 4.e5 ¤d5 5.¥xc4 ¤b6 6.¥d3 ¤c6 7.¤e2 ¥g4 8.f3 ¥e6 9.¤bc3 £d7 10.¤e4 ¥d5 11.¤c5 £c8 12.a3 e6 13.£c2 ¥xc5 14.dxc5 ¤d7 15.f4 ¥xg2 16.¦g1 ¥f3 17.¥e3 g6 18.O-O-O ¤e7 19.¥e4 ¥xe4 20.£xe4 b6 21.¤c3 O-O 22.c6 ¤b8 23.f5 ¤xf5 24.¥g5 £e8 25.£f4 f6 26.¥xf6 £xc6 27.¢b1 ¤d7 28.¤e4 ¤c5 29.¤xc5 bxc5 30.h4 ¦f7 31.h5 ¦d7 32.hxg6 h6 33.¦xd7 £xd7 34.£f3 ¦b8 35.¦d1 £e8 36.¦d2 c4 37.¢a2 a5 38.£d1 c3 39.bxc3 ¤e3 40.£e2 ¤d5 41.£d3 a4 42.¦b2 ¦xb2+ 43.¢xb2 £b8+ 44.¢c1 £b3 45.£a6 £xc3+ 46.¢d1 ¤e3+ 47.¢e2 £c4+
Posted in: kramnik,morozevich,nakamura,tal chess memorial
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